Decree respecting the automotive services industry in the montréal region
Hours worked in addition to the standard workday or workweek entail a premium of 50% of the hourly wage currently paid to the employee, except for premiums computed on an hourly basis.
Hours worked in addition to the standard workweek referred to in section 3.01 entail a premium of 50% of the hourly wage currently paid to the employee.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, the employer may, at the request of the employee, replace the payment of overtime by paid leave equivalent to the overtime worked plus 50%.
That leave must be taken during the 12 months following the overtime worked at a date agreed upon between the employer and the employee; otherwise the overtime must be paid. However, where the contract of employment is terminated before the employee is able to benefit from the leave, the overtime must be paid at the same time as the last payment of wages.
For the purposes of computing overtime, annual leaves and paid statutory general holidays are counted as days of work.
Hours worked between 9 :00 p.m. and 7 :00 a.m. by employees, except for employees specified in subsection 4 of section 3.01 entail a premium of $0.65 of the hourly rate currently paid.