Training manuals online
Training manuals online
We are very pleased to announce that the “End of apprenticeship” exam preparation manuals are now available online, in cooperation with the CPCPA, for all of our subjects**.
Two options will allow access to End of apprenticeship training manuals, either via a code for physical manuals, or via a code only for online manuals.
The video tutorial below (available only in French) explains the steps to follow for access to all ONLINE manuals:
If you don’t have an account on the CPCPA portal, you’ll find instructions on how to create one in the PDF tutorial. To access the PDF tutorial (available only in French), click here.
To obtain an access code, simply call us at 514 288-3003 and have your 6-digit employee number (found at the bottom of your CPA card) ready. The person answering will be able to provide you with a code.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems accessing the online guides.
It is important note that some manuals are also available in English. When the candidate uses his/her access code to select a manual, the English version (if available) appears immediately afterwards by scrolling down the page. The access button should also be below the English version.
**Please note that only individuals subject to the CPA have the right to access online manuals for free. If you are not under the jurisdiction of the CPA, you will not have access to online manuals. You will need to visit our office to purchase physical copies of the manuals.
This new option is a major step forward in facilitating access to training, to the benefit of the entire automotive service industry.